
“The HAPPIER you are,
the HEALTHIER you will be”

A unique destination for a complete happiness experience

Beyond travelling to different places and enjoying their beauties and experiences, Tourism has more meaningful goals and purposes. 

We are creating a new concept bearing the need of the age in mind and thereby redefining tourism as a tool to refresh and recreate human life in the most virtuous way.

Man seeks happiness in each and every moment of his material life. But a sublime level of happiness is not merely a temporary experience rather it is a lifelong process aiming at bringing eternal happiness, that creates an equilibrium of mind and body, thus resulting in a contentment in this world and an everlasting bliss.

Humans spend their resources galore for finding happiness. They travel miles to watch a game or sport, take adventurous trips to less travelled places on the globe and even to the spaces. They plenteously spend money and time seeking pleasure and happiness. But the real happiness is still far away and beyond their experience. 

Watching sports, games, dance and music brings us immense happiness. But our active participation in the same activities manifolds our happiness and it leads to a balance of mind and body and thus creating an ideal mental and physical health.

So, re-energize yourself with a variety of options of different sports activities, fun games, vyayam, yoga, and meditation to give your mind, body, and soul an experience that will remain with you for a long time. If that is not enough, our facility also provides the ancient mode of treatment – Panchakarma that cleans your body and creates harmony for your mind. With different treatments like Rekhta Moksha, Vamana, Virechana, Nasya, and Basti, Panchakarma treats the body as a whole and gives it a new lease of life. These exercises help in detoxification, weight loss, enhancing metabolism, increasing digestion, and regenerating body cells.

Some of the most exciting offerings we provide

“The happier you are,
the healthier you will be”

Why connect with us

Kerala is a unique tourist destination that provides experiences like no other. And we have taken things a notch up. Whether you are a tourist who wishes to experience something unique, or an entrepreneur willing to invest in something fruitful, we provide ample opportunities to you. We are ready to partner with you as a guest or as an investor who wishes to make an impact through this one-of-its-kind initiative. This is a place that reiterates the true meaning of how traveling makes a person happy. A destination that supports organic, natural, sustainable, and drugless tourism can add more value to your life.
So, wait no more. We are ready to welcome with you an open heart and open arms so that you can come here and embrace happiness in its purest form. Are you ready to take the plunge?